- 照像 take photos
- 像 look
- 照 photograph
- 恕我方冒昧,随函附去我公司优质照像机和镜头报价单一份。 We are taking the liberty to send you with this letter our quotation sheet for high-quality cameras and lenses.
- 你身子老是动,我怎么给你照像? How can I take your picture if you don't hold still?
- 照像机 camera
- 照像枪 gun camera
- 调色使柔和或改变如(某幅油画或照像底片等)的颜色。 To soften or change the color of(a painting or photographic negative,for example).
- 把照像机对准景物。 A camera was aimed at the scene.
- 照像馆 photographer's
- 玻璃板照像 ambrotype
- 照像术 photography
- 外照像 exograph
- 体层照像 laminography
- 螺旋照像 helical diagram
- 照像凹版 gravure
- 远距照像 telephoto
- 照像底片 photographic plat
- 照像负片 negative film
- 照像机架 camera mount